Monday, December 8, 2008

Biggest Loser!!!

I am not sure if there are fans out there watching this show besides my family , but tomorrow is a big day. Tomorrow on the show that third contestant will be voted in by the public (my family). If you have been watching the show you realize how nasty some of the contestants have as my brothers would put it "The devils spawn" Lets all hope she falls below the yellow line and is not voted into the finals....
I know I just made a post about a TV show....


Mandy said...

I hate Vicky as well and agree with your brothers. Hope she finally leaves the shoe.

The Brown's said...

erin i HATE vicky! it's ok to talk tv we all watch it and for those that say they dont are lying:O) i will be watching tomarrow! miss you already.

Kamy said...

I totally agree! Amy should have voted her off when she had the chance!