Thursday, June 25, 2009

We are still in the hospital, but I feel like I am beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel. He is really starting to improve in his eating. We have shifted around some of his feedings and so lets hope it works. He is still cuter than ever and I can't wait to bring him home. The drive to Provo 3 times a day is getting really old, but this to shall pass.

Thank you to everyone for all of the prayers and help. We truly have the best family and friends you could have. We love you all!


Kristy said...

I'm so glad his feedings have started to improve. What a darling family picture. Can't wait to meet Hank in person.

The Brown's said...

GOOD GOING HANK!!! I am so glad to hear that he is starting to improve. I am so excited for you to have a normal life:O) Cant wait to hold him!

kristen said...

I am so glad to hear he is finally eating for you. Your family picture is so cute. I think he looks like Meg. I hope all goes well and he gets to come home soon. You will be in our prayers.

Spencer and Shalynn said...

Yay! Super excited for you to have an end in sight. :) I'm excited to meet Hank!