Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hank Update

Hank is still in the NICU. He is off all monitors, IV's and breathing machine. He is just unable to eat on his own so is being feed with a feeding tube. I am able to try and nurse him 3 times a day and until he can get most of the feeding from me they wont increase the amount of times I can feed him. The Dr. mentioned yesterday that he might come home the middle of this next week, but I mentioned that to his nurse today and she said she thought at least another week. So who knows when he will come home??? All I know is I want my baby home...of course healthy. But I want my baby home.

The Dr. said he looked like a jail bird and is stuck in the NICU.

His little is so funny it looks like a wrinkly little grandpa skin.
Rods parents came down today and Grandma got to hold Hank for the first time.
My dad also came and got to hold him


The Brown's said...

he looks great! he is probobly the biggest kid there:O) we be praying that he figures out he nursing thing soon! hope everyone is feeling better! love ya!

Annie said...

Oh he is so cute. I am so sorry about this. It is taking longer than expected. We are praying for you.

Andrea said...

So sorry to hear about your trouble with little Hank, Bless your hearts! We were in NICU for 5 days and it felt like eternity!!Hang in there!