Wednesday, June 17, 2009

He is here

Baby Hank was born on Sunday June 14, 2009. It was/has been a little more eventful then we had hoped but are grateful he is here. We went to the hospital at 8:30am to be induced, but after being checked found out Hank was breech. The Dr. did an inversion which means he flipped the baby by pushing on my stomach to turn him...Rod said a new meaning to deep massage. He finally flipped and away we went with delivery. He came at 3:33 pm. He weighed 6 lbs 10 oz and was 19 inches. He was struggling to breath and was sent away to the nursery. After further checking him out the Dr felt he needed to be transferred to Utah Valley Regional Medical Center to the NICU and put on a ventilator. He is still in the NICU, but has been taking off the breathing machine. He is still being feed with a feeding tube and we are trying to get him to feed on his own. His coloring was pretty yellow today so they put him on the belli lights. We are hoping that
maybe this weekend he could come home.

I the AF Hospital Nursery

He was struggling to breath so they put on the Cpap machine, but it wasn't enough so this is when they decided to transfer him.

His transport cart

The next day trying to see how he does off the machine. Shortly after this they put him back on the breathing machine again.

I finally got to hold him for the first time on Tuesday
Proud daddy

I am awake

Kate and Meg were allowed to come in yesterday. They could come in onetime and only stay for 5 minutes. Kate was so excited and wanted to stay longer. Then today when I was going back she wanted to go in and see him again. And was so sad she couldn't.

She wasn't as excited as Kate.
His belli mask to protect his eyes from the belli lights.
Thank you to everyones thought and prayers.
And thank you to everyone who has helped watch my girls so Rod and I are able to be at the hospital as much as we can.


The Brown's said...

oh erin he is so cute! ilove him I am gla to hear that he is doing better. we have been praying like crazy at our house. hope he gets to come home soon1

Anonymous said...

Hey there. I am so glad he is getting better. It's so nice to have the technology we have. He is so cute. Take care of yourself.

Kristy said...

We're praying and hoping baby Hank can come home soon. He is adorable. I can't wait to see him and hold him.

Anonymous said...

What a doll. He is so precious! Look at those cute cheeks. I already just wnat to squeeze them. Sorry about the complications, but I am glad that things are going well now. Kate looks darling holding him. You can tell that she is quite proud to be that big sister again.

kristen said...

I am so sorry for all of the complications. I am so glad everything is going better. That is so scary. He is so handsome! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you guys.

Summer said...

Ohhhhhh! So sweet! Congratulations! I love the pic where he is awake and flashing his baby blues/greys! Hope you are doing well! Hope he continues to improve! Nothing compares to the spirit a new baby brings into your home, hope he gets there soon!

Anje said...

Erin - he is SO cute! I can't imagine how hard it has been to see your sweet little one hooked up to all of those machines. You guys are in our thoughts and prayers.