Sunday, March 6, 2011

Beautiful Day

Today was a beautiful day.
I know that might sound strange since it rained all day, but it was.
It all started yesterday when I was able to attend the temple with my family, the people I love most in my life.
And today I was able to go to church with my husband and three beautiful children.
Most Sundays are not a fun time, but today they were really good.
I thank my Heavenly Father for blessing them with reverence today.
Three years ago today my brother Rob passed away of Melanoma Cancer.
I miss him so much.
This past week my heart has ached many times for him.
I miss his phone calls as he travels in his car for work.
I miss is love and laughter.
I miss him having to be right about EVERYTHING!!!!
I miss him every time I see Patti and his 5 beautiful children.
I wish my children could know him like I did.
But I know some day they will.
I wish all of the people I know could have known him, you would have loved him and he you.
Tonight we went to the cemetery.
Some of us cried and some laughed and some of us hugged and some of us tried to scare others in the dark.
As we were walking home from the cemetery my sweet ms. kate says "It is sure funner in Disneyland then here"
I love my family so much and am so grateful for them in my life. I am truly BLESSED!
All in all it was a beautiful day I was surrounded my friends and family.


Mandy said...

Been thinking of you all today. Love you all!

Mandy said...

BTW, Erich wants to know if AJ had anything to do with scaring people in the dark?

Courtney said...

I'm glad it was a good day for you. I was laying with Seth the other night trying to get him to relax and fall asleep and I started stroking his nose - I thought about Rob teaching me that trick at the Ranch when Seth was just a baby.

Erin said...

It would have been aj if he was in town, but Jimmy took his place in the scaring.

Pam said...

i LOVE you Erin! That was a very sweet tribute to an amazing man. Can't wait to meet him:)

kristen said...

I am glad everything went well! Your family was on my mind all day! Hope your mom did good. So sorry for the hard day!

Annie said...

I thought of you all day that day. I am glad you you had a great day that day. I can't believe it has been three years.

Lone Rider said...

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