Saturday, January 31, 2009

Moving on out...

This morning we moved into our home...well at least all of our stuff. We are far from moved in, but all of our stuff is out of the storage unit. My mom, Jeni, Aunt Suzette and I unpacked the kitchen, but there is still so much stuff around. We had so many people come and help us move all of our stuff...THANKS!!! It is fun to be in the house and see our hard work finished on the house. But I really hate the mess. I don't know where to start and what to work on next.
We are excited to move back into our neighborhood by all of our friends. But I am sad to leave my moms house. We have loved living there with her...she does so many things to help out. She helped with laundry, cleaning, babysitting, cooking and many more things. My mom is the best and I love her so much. I appreciate her letting us live there. Thanks mom I love you!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Your Mom is great. I'm sad you're not with her but happy to have you back in the neighborhood. The house looks great.