Sunday, June 5, 2011

I did it!!!

Yesterday I was able to ride in the Little Red.
I rode for 80 miles...4 hours and 43 minutes.
lots and lots of fields
After lunch at miles 57 I started to get a side/stomach cramp. I couldn't get it to go away and started thinking something is wrong...I am have an appendicitis. (I know that is a big jump from a cramp) SO for the last 20 miles I had the hardest time getting a breath or getting it to go away, but after the ride I was able to lie down for about 5 minutes and it went a way thank goodness. I think the sandwich just didn't sit well.
Other then that everything went great. It was probably the hardest thing I have ever done physically with my body, but I am amazed at what our bodies can do.
Kate took the picture on the right.
Pam I missed you....maybe next year!!!!


NICHOLAS and DENAE said...

I am so jealous! I want to ride with you, maybe next year! Congrats!

Mandy said...

I am impressed Er. I have enjoyed running and though about a tri but am just not sure I can do the bike. Good job!

The Brown's said...

WAY TO GO ERIN!!! I KNEWE you could do it:) I MISSED you too. Next year whe life is less crazy;)

Kristy said...

Way to go Erin! I had no doubt in my mind that you could do the full 80 miles. You are incredible.

Spencer and Shalynn said...

Way to go! That's such a huge accomplishment. Great job!