Tuesday, September 20, 2011

we DID it....425 miles

We did it.
Even though at times I would have been fine to QUIT!
We didn't.
Five of us.
The rain was hideous...and I mean hideous.
The day started out with light sprinkles for about half hour and then sun.
I felt maybe we would be blessed with nice weather.
Well apparently this storm needed to follow us across the state of Utah.
The pictures to follow don't show the awful weather because you couldn't get out and get a picture in the rain.
The map we followed.
On Friday morning...before we knew what we were getting into.
5 miles into Rods ride...broken spoke.
This guy hiked on my back sometime during the rain and didn't say a word.
Until I found him after a couple miles.
Lots of big truck like this and lots of road with very little shoulder.

We could never have done this ride without our amazing family.
Marvin. Diane. Denae. Baby Beck.
My last ride....and best ride.
No rain.
Nick. Rod. Erin. Paul. Dara.
I am not sure if I can say the ride was fun.
I don't remember every being so cold, wet and tired.
But it was a great experience.
We are strong.


leadatortilla said...

That is awesome - simply AWESOME. I hope you can look back after some lapsed time and decide it was enjoyable... at least a little! Way to go!

Kristy said...

What a great ride, and awesome team! You are amazing.

Emilee said...

Congratulations, that is so awesome! You look so cute! I didn't know you are a roadie :)

Anje said...

Way to go! That is so awesome!