Friday, January 14, 2011

Efficency failed....

We got our City bill this month and we failed.
They gave a cost analysis of 100 homes around ours and we were not so good.
We got a 2 of five stars.
We weren't efficient and not only that but were above average.
We are spending a lot more per year then those that are efficient and would like to have that money to spend on other things.
I have tried really hard this week to keep lights off when not needing them.
And trying to make my kids aware of leaving things on and seems to be working.
But I think I need more help.
So to those of you that are efficient or even just average what are you secrets?


Kristy said...

Just opened my bill and we only got 2 out of 5 stars too. Sorry, you don't want to take any advice from us as we are failing at efficiency.

Spencer and Shalynn said...

We failed too, maybe there wasn't anyone who was 5 stars. :) At least I know I'm not alone in my lack of efficiency.