Friday, December 10, 2010


Today is friday and here are a few of things happening or just on my mind.
Hanks binki some how got broken today. The girls both broke at 18 months and Hank is now 19 months so it is way over due. I always panic when this time comes because I am possibly causing a big problem with sleeping. And Hank really really really likes his binki. He only gets it at naps and in the car and at church to keep him queit. And he really likes those times.
I weighed myself this morning before working out and had lost a pound, but that was after a 4 pound gain from Thanksgiving and a weekend trip. I was exactly at the point I wanted to be a few months ago, but before I went on my trip I was 3 pounds lighter and now that first number isn't good enough. I know this is so dumb, but just my thoughts today. I am really happy with my weight lost, but why do we always want more.
I love Christmas. I love the smell of my tree...yes I have a REAL one. I love the lights on the tree when it is dark. I love having my house decorated. I love the goodies, treats and food at this time of year. I love being with my family and friends. And most of all I love the Nutcracker by Ballet West. Steve got our tickets today and this makes me so happy.
But most of all I am so grateful to Mary and Joseph for saying they would follow the Lords plan.
I am so grateful for the birth of my Saviour and for the life he lived.

1 comment:

leadatortilla said...

Good luck with the binki... I was shocked how well Danny handled it - I WAS A WRECK! And congrats on the weight loss - I'm still working on those Disney pounds and you know what, it was worth it. Eating 6 desserts at one meal was a memory that makes my mouth water....I'd do it again! ha ha ha ha. I think you always look FANTABULOUS! Oh and I loved the beautiful tree too!