Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tour de Cure

Rod and the Poulsen Cycling team is riding again this year in the Tour de Cure.
His goal of fundraising is $500...if you would like to donate please click on the link below
Tour de Cure-Rod

Poulsen Cylcing Team


kristen said...

Hey Erin! how does next week on thursay work. That is the 30th. We would have to do it inside. We could go to dinner or come to my house. let me know what would work best for you. It doesn't really matter to me eaither way is great. Than when I hear from everybody I will let you know. Talk to you soon!!!

kristen said...

hi there, i was wondering if thursday night at 7:00 worked for you. I have talked to nicki and summer. Is there anywhere you would like to go? Let me know if there is. Just plan on thursday at 7:00 and I will let you know on where after I talk to Amber!