I feel like I haven't updated for awhile. Not that we haven't been doing fun thing...just being lazy and not sitting down and writing.
She is loving school. She still loves being in charge and has to be reminded many times a day "I am the mom". She is so sweet and loves any and all attention to be giving to her. She also doesn't like to be alone. I helped in her Kindergarten class yesterday and was glad that she will still give hugs and kisses in front of friends. She has really grown and is just starting to seem too old.
Yesterday, she walked in the door and I was dressed in my church clothes to go to the temple. She says "Whoa you look sexy!" I dropped my jaw and didn't know what to say. I said then proceed to tell her she really shouldn't use that word...better words like pretty, nice, cute. Then asked where she learned that word. Muppet's Wizard of Oz. I guess the Muppet's aren't as clean as the original Oz.
She started speech therapy this week. (AJ isn't very happy about this) She was so excited to go to school and got her own folder and the teacher told her she would have homework and she gave me the biggest smile. She is starting to be come really stubborn. What she wants she wants.... But can also be the sweetest little thing in the world. She kind of lives in her own world and can play quietly by herself for hours. If you ask her to do something she will most likely get distracted with something along the way, but she is so fun to be around. She is loving dance and looks so cute in her tutu and leotard.
He is getting so big and so fun to be around. He will try to mimic every name or sound people make, but still will only call Rod, mommy. We are both mommy to him. He loves Grandmas and Grandpa and will call most people AJ. He still loves cows and horses. Our neighbor gave Hank and little cow to pull around on a string. He just laughs it is so funny. He took his first motorcycle ride this past weekend in St. George. He was fine with one time around the block and second, but by the third he wanted off...NOW!!!! He loves to be chased and will most likely run into a wall, but still loves to play. He likes to fake laugh and would love to be outside all the time. Unless I am trying to fix dinner he is so fun!
My kids were so excite about the snow this morning...they wanted
eat right in front of the window.

after breakfast the girls went to play in the first snow of the year.

I was really looking forward to and thinking we were maybe going to have nice weather for Halloween this year...Guessed wrong!!!